Its all about whats inside of you

'Composition IV', 1911 (oil on canvas)
A german movement that was inspired by intensely bright colours that began between the time of 1905- 1925. This movement in itself defines what it is the artist will portray on the canvas. Expressionism broken drown is made up of the word Expressions which are defined as activities represented through emotions or actions. ( Collins, 2017). 

Much like the name suggested artists would actually paint based on his or her opinions, ideas and tastes. in a sense what he/she felt rather than painting reality. Not gaining any influence from previous tradition and past practices it is believed that it may have taken parts of its ideals from artists like Vincent Van Gogh and movements such as Fauvism led by Matisse (art movements. cook) suggests.

EDVARD MUNCH (1863-1944) 'The Scream', 1893 (oil painting)

(Willette, 2011) talks about how German expressionists art had links to the Gothic art heritage. Divided into two sectors in Germany that represented Expressionism in a totally different manner was an artist called Wilhelm Worringer a key feature in this first of its kind movement who believed in representing it with strong feelings and empathy representing the northern group, and the southern group representing their creative works using a more abstract and spiritual approach.

Expressionism represented in two distinct sections which were:

Die Brücke which translated to (the bridge)
Aided by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and Fritz Bleyl who were architectural students in Dresden formed in 1905 Die Brucke that challenged art in a way which they decided to explore sexuality on canvas bridging/ wanting to link the past and the present together, Their inspiration coming from the works of Van Gogh, Henry Matisse accompanied with print and painting techniques of Albrecht Durer using a mix of many colours depicting personal feelings and ideas. (, 2017)

Kirchner Ernst painting, made by oil paint,

Der Blaue Rider which translated into (the blue rider)
The artists in this expressionist group from Munich formed in 1909 were into representing the visible world through colour and classifying unique colours to containing spiritual qualities which were red, yellow, blue and white. believing that the horse showed power, freedom and pleasure(, 2017) were led by Franz Marc who was heavily inspired by traits from work done by artists such as Jugendstil, Paul Cezanne and Vincent Van Gogh its not hard to see where his direction in creativity went to which such artistic influence.

Die Blaue Rider artworks made by Auguste Macke (1887-1914)
‘Girls Under Trees’, 1914 (oil on canvas)

Der Blaue Rider featured a wide array of artists such as Wassily Kadinsky who had a medical condition called synesthesia which is a rare disease that links senses in a way where one can smell sound or taste music. He used this disorder and turned it into a gift showcasing his artworks as best as he could, Literally painting music or the experience which it made him feel he challenged people to see what he felt on canvas. Cleverly captioning each image as "Composition" followed by a number it left little to the imagination forcing you to imaging the genre, emotions and experiences in his artworks.

Analysis Of Artwork
Self Portrait as a Soldier by Ernst ludwig Kirchner, 1915
This artwork features a man dressed as a soldier smoking a cigarette with a nude woman in the background. Painting a self portrait as a soldier with a hand cut off suggests that if the artist were to lose his hand in war, then he may not be able to paint or earn a living as a painter or artist. Ernst who was a Die Brucke artist tried to show his level of distress when he was called up to represent his country in the war. 

The colours used bring out the story and help the spectator envision the state of mind of the artist and the subject matter he is trying to portray.

Why it works? The layout of elements and positioning of figures and components of the artwork show the intensity and seriousness of the matter.

Max Pechstein, Indian and Woman (1910)

Max Pechstein attempts to paint a Die Brucke artwork showcasing two women,one clothed and sitting on a chair with the reflection of her on the mirror beside her looking at the naked woman sitting at the floor gazing at the audience with her body covered.

The pose suggests that she is trying to hide her insecurities or her shame as she positions her body towards the other woman who could be her mother or distant relative. In an indian contest women are meant to take care of themselves and take religion and morality serious often only showing their true selves to family members only before and after marriage.

The colours used align with the Die Brucke pallets showing intense reds and hints of greens, yellows and oranges on the clothing, wall and body parts.

Why it works?  The composition is simple and has a lot of context guided by the heading of the painting. helping us form some sort of understanding as to what is going on with the artist as he made that composition.

Reference List

Definition of Expression
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

The Scream painting by Edvard Much
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Wassily Kandinsky Painting
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Key Dates of Expressionism
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Die Brücke
Willette. J, "Die Brücke, The Angst of die Brücke" March 11, 2011, Found at Accessed 7 April 2017

Girls Under trees by Auguste Macke painting
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Die Brücke
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Der Blaue Reiter
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Kirchner Ernst painting
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Soldiers Kirchner painting
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017

Max Pechstein Painting
Found at: Accessed 7 April 2017


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